The devastating 2025 fires in Los Angeles have upended countless lives, including those of creative professionals like Latina marketing expert Vanessa Vigil, whose family home was reduced to ashes. To support individuals in the creative community impacted by this disaster, Affluent Hispanic Philanthropies, a California-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, has partnered with Talento Unlimitedand Branding is Social Inc.
Our mission is to provide emergency relief grants to content creators, marketers, and communications professionals, helping cover critical expenses such as:
-Prescription refills
-Meals and clothing replacement
-Temporary housing
-Auto rentals
-Family assistance
In partnership with The 2nd Chance Project Foundation, we are collaborating with local restaurants to distribute meals donated by these establishments to firefighters, first responders, volunteers, and families in need in the areas most affected by the fires.
How You Can Make an Impact of Kindness
-Donate now via our GoFundMe page: Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference.
-Apply for Assistance here: Grant applications are available on our website.
-Restaurant Partners: To contribute meals, email us at
All donations are managed by Affluent Hispanic Philanthropies, ensuring transparent and responsible distribution. Regular updates will be available at
Our Team leading this initiative:
-Cristy Clavijo-Kish and Michelle Tapanes of Talento Unlimited
-Roberto Lemus and Jose Diaz Romero of Branding is Social
-Bryan Rojo and Jairo Orozco of MexicanGueys
Together, we are committed to helping LA’s creative community recover and rebuild.
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